girls! girls! girls!

Not only am I back in town, I'm drinking coffee in my pink bathrobe...

Hey!  There's a really big show tonight!  It's going to be super good!  It's free!  You should come!  And remember to bring a little something for the Regina Food Bank!

Truly, this is a show where there is something for everyone.  The four of us ladies all write very different material.  Suzie Vinnick is the blues maven.  Val Halla rocks harder than I ever will.  (She was on tour with Ted Nugent for Pete's sake!)  Amy Nelson embodies the country music that I was weaned on.

And then there's little old me.  I'll be keeping to the jazzier side of my work just to keep the genre identifiers neat and tidy.

I've been lucky and got a sneak peak of everyone on the bill except Val.  (I was really trying to catch a song of hers in rehearsal, but they lock the doors at the CBC after hours.  The nerve.)

We've got a great band backing us up too. Kris Craig on guitar.  (Hey Regina, remember Stepchyle? That's Kris.)  Jonathan Dyck on piano.  (You may recall that he is Regina's best pianist, as voted by prairie dog readers.)  Kory Gibbs on drums.  (I don't know him.  He seems nice!)  And... well, here's where it gets complicated.  Rob Dakiniewich is playing bass for the other girls, but I'm bringing Elizabeth for my set.  I know, right?  How needy can I be?

So!  Give me a reason to get out of this bathrobe and put some pin curls in.  Get out to that FREE show.  CBC Galleria, 2440 Broad St.  Doors at 7.  Show at 8.  All ages.
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